Medical Practitioners

Magnesium Taurate : Medical Practitioners Advocate Supplementing Intakes of This Mineral

Health experts are advocating the attention being directed toward magnesium, as it’s an oft overlooked mineral that can do a lot to improve overall body health. Although abundant in foods, it usually doesn’t have active effects in the body because of its poor absorbability. That being the case, supplement manufacturers have come out with Magnesium Taurate. It’s a formulation that combines the mineral with taurin to improve its absorption rate when moving through cells across the body.

Studies have shown that magnesium can do a lot in stabilizing hormonal imbalances and in refining cellular processes. As beneficial results, sufficient intakes of magnesium can aid in the improvement of the overall appearance of skin. That’s because the main function of magnesium as a supplement, is to help lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

As magnesium helps in refining cellular processes, its nutrients prevent flare ups of common stress-related skin disorders like acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and alopecia.Taking Magnesium Taurate supplements therefore can improve the overall appearance of skin.

Why Doctors Support the Promotion of Magnesium Taurate as Health Supplement

Many medical practitioners recommend Magnesium Taurate supplement to patients who still feel off, even as they engage in regular exercises and physical activities.

According to Dr. John Cullen, a prominent family physician practicing in Valdez, Alaska, magnesium is one of key electrolytes capable of taking control of muscle functions. That’s why a person with magnesium deficiency will likely experience muscle cramps or in some cases, experience having irregular heartbeats.

Dr. Joshua Zeichner, the Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital NYC, adds that aside from improving muscle functions and increasing energy to reduce stress levels, magnesium is essential in maintaining the glow common to healthy skin. Dr. Zeichner says that magnesium nutrients help in preventing dry damaged skin as it aids in building barriers against stress-induced factors that cause skin to dry up and become damaged.

At the NYC Surgical Associates, endovascular surgeon Dr. Arno Rotgans, explains that several enzymes in the body need magnesium so they can function properly in transferring and storing energy. If there is not enough supply, the lack can adversely affect other electrolytes like potassium and calcium.

What Scientific Studies Tell about the Importance of Magnesium

Studies conducted at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reveal that generally, healthy people do not even feel anything wrong if magnesium is missing in their regular diet. However, reports on serious cases of magnesium deficiency disclosed symptoms like loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, which if not addressed medically and immediately, can lead to muscle cramps and contractions, feelings of numbness, tingling sensations, and at worst, lead to abnormal heart beats and seizures.

Other NIH studies reveal that magnesium is abundant in green leafy vegetables and whole grains. However, since magnesium absorption in the body can be a problem, formulation chemists developed Magnesium Taurate supplements that have improved levels of absorbability by way of chelation with the amino acid taurine,
