muscle building

Testosterone for Muscle Building & Fat Loss

Formerly a normal hormone, over the past 50 years or so a veritable myth has emerged about testosterone as a miracle cure for men. Today, testosterone or anabolic steroids are the most commonly used doping substances in competitive sports. The number of applications in recreational sports is also likely to be enormous due to their easy availability.

Buying a testosterone enanthate (testosteron enantat) and taking it without a doctor’s advice seems to be the easiest way to a powerful, defined body. However, there are also natural ways to increase the body’s testosterone levels.

Does testosterone affect muscle building?

Testosterone plays a major role in muscle building. It is even considered a miracle cure for six-pack and tireless potency in the fitness and bodybuilding scene.

Its anabolic, muscle-building effect stimulates protein biosynthesis and thus muscle growth. This is one of the reasons why men usually find it easier to build and maintain muscle mass than women.

testosterone enanthate

Fat loss with testosterone possible?

Testosterone plays a crucial role in controlling carbohydrate and fat metabolism as well as determining the form and location of body fat. A high testosterone value supports fat burning in the long term. Some studies even say that testosterone is of fundamental importance for successful weight loss.

Conversely, it is also the case that a high proportion of body fat has a negative effect on the body’s own testosterone levels. The abdominal fat is highly hormonal and promotes the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

Increase testosterone levels

The number one cause of low testosterone is age. From about the age of 40, the production of the hormone in men is naturally significantly reduced. This is similar to the way women experience menopause due to lower hormone levels at this age.

A testosterone level that is too low can also be present much earlier for other reasons. Serious illnesses, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, rapid weight loss and a high level of stress can also lead to reduced testosterone production. Signs of low testosterone levels in men are infertility, erectile dysfunction, fatigue and listlessness.

Testosterone deficiency in many cases is primarily a symptom of more serious illnesses. Thus, it is important for a doctor to get to the bottom of the cause of the deficiency.

Testosterone plays a decisive role in terms of performance and muscle building. This is why a low testosterone level can have a negative impact on athletic performance and any suspicion of this should be clarified by a doctor.
