Quick Solutions To Remove Dark Circles Under The Eye

Regardless of age or gender, dark circles can occur to almost anyone. Dark Circles are not a good sight to see as it makes us look tired, scary, and older than our actual age. Statistics say that there are actually 9 out of 10 people who have dark circles.

There are various recommended remedies to treating dark circles under the eye. The most common are eye creams. This eye cream for men and eye cream for women are highly advertised and actually helps in reducing dark spots but could be way too expensive. But before jumping in to recommended remedies, identify the source of your dark circles to know which treatment will work fast.

Possible Causes of Dark Circles Under the Eye

The skin around the eyelids is the thinnest skin in the body. The more translucent the skin is, the darker circles appear. And because it is thin in texture, rubbing and scratching around the eyes easily creates darker circles too. Let’s take a closer look into the causes of dark circles around the eyes.

  1. Lack of sleep. This is one of the main reasons those dark circles appear in the first place. So sleep more if you can to prevent those dark circles from appearing.
  2. Allergies, Asthma, Eczema. These conditions cause the eye to really itch which can contribute to developing dark circles due to rubbing and scratching of skin around the eyes.
  3. Bad Diet and Lack of Nutrients. Our food intake contributes a lot to the discoloration of the area surrounding the eye. Lack of iron results to dark circles mainly because you are not getting enough oxygen to the body tissues.
  4. Hereditary (genetics). Skin pigmentation on the upper part of the cheek bones and under the eyes contributes to dark circles.
  5. Sunburns. Excess skin pigmentation due to sunburns cause discoloration under the eye. So it is recommended to always use sunscreen.
  6. Age. The older one gets, the skin loses collagen, becomes thinner, and becomes translucent therefore the veins under the eye becomes more visible.
  7. Bone Structure. Some people have deep bone structure and create a shadow under the eyes which makes the eye seem to have dark circles.

Get Rid of Dark Circles

These causes are just a few of the reasons why one can get dark circles. We are down to how to get rid of it. Let’s take a look at most common remedies that works. So here is a list that could treat dark circles based on causes and perhaps the easiest to do (or not).

  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Treat allergies as soon as it occur
  3. Eat well and eat healthy
  4. Drink lots of water
  5. Exercise more

Quick Solution with Concealers and Lightening Eye Cream

Concealers and lightening eye cream can be a quick fix especially if you want to look sexy without showing off those dark circles. Choose an undertone close to your skin tone so that the concealer will blend well with your skin color. Lightening cream for him or for her works well too and with daily application, can actually help lighten dark circles.

Laser and Surgery. Quick Repair

If you have dark discoloration under they eye along with eye bags, surgery can be a very good option however it may also cause you a lot. Talk to a professional before even choosing the option. For discoloration under the eye, laser treatment is the usual recommendation. Laser treatment goes beyond discoloration as it also tightens and smoothens the skin. So far records reveal that it is among the quick overnight treatments however expensive.

Chemical peels

Chemical peel is another way to remove dark circles under the eyes. While it is not an immediate solution as the laser treatment, the process improves and lightens the skin under the eyes. Chemical peels are like exfoliating agents that removes dead skin allowing new skin cells to surface.
